Google announces Speed Update

On Wednesday, January 17, 2018, Google announced an update that they will roll out in July 2018: the Speed ​​Update. This update focuses on the speed of mobile web pages.

Two details to remember for this update:

The update only has an impact on mobile search results

The update has an impact on just a few percent of the searches

It is not very exciting. But for the sake of clarity, what is now communicated by Google.

The loading time was already used as a ranking signal, but that was especially true for searches on desktop. From July 2018, pagespeed will also be used as a ranking signal for mobile searches. Pages that are affected by this are the pages that are really slow. This means it has an impact on a small percentage of all (mobile) searches.

Given the earlier updates that Google itself announced big, we can now also expect that the impact is extremely small. There were no major shifts in both the Mobile Friendly Update and HTTPS.